Alpine and Carpathian Biodiversity Forum
15 - 16 December 2021, ONLINE MEETING
You are kindly invited to the “Alpine and Carpathian Biodiversity Forum” organised by the Italian delegation in partnership with UNEP – Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, EURAC, Federparchi, ALPARC, the Carpathian Network of protected Areas (CNPA), and the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region(EUSALP)
The event will take place only virtually from 15 to 16 of December 2021. Unfortunately, due to the recent development of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will not be possible to organize in presence sessions.
The Alpine and Carpathian Biodiversity Forum will build up on the activity of the ABB, with the main purpose to open a discussion with experts at national and international level about issues and criticisms related to the protection of mountain biodiversity.
In particular, we are looking forward to receiving your contribution and best practices to improve and strengthen the collaboration among partners relevant for the protection of the mountain biodiversity, in order to provide a joint and effective response to the main criticalities identified.
The event will be divided into seven sessions, that will address the following topics: Indicators of Alpine biodiversity, Monitoring mountain biodiversity, Biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Mountain Governance and Connectivity and mountain biodiversity, Cartographic / mapping tools as support to the biodiversity monitoring, The links between climate change and mountain biodiversity, Connectivity and mountain biodiversity, Mountain biodiversity Governance.