Carpathian Day Events

Carpathian Day 2024: "Our Identity Lies in Our Heritage"

On or around 26 September 2024  |  Multiple events throughout the Carpathian

Celebrate the Carpathians through Carpathian Day on or around 26 September! This is a yearly celebration of our diverse and common identities, landscapes, heritage and love for the Carpathian region.

The Carpathian region holds a wealth of traditions, cultural sites, biodiversity, and unique habitats and species. Carpathian Day aims to create annual momentum for highlighting these great cultural and natural landscapes and foster a sense of pride and belonging across the region. Celebrating Carpathian Day helps cultivate a Carpathian identity, raise environmental and cultural awareness of mountain landscapes, and inspire further protection and sustainable development of local communities. 

Learn more about Carpathian Day and join us in hosting your own project, event, roundtable, exhibition or festival:

    Theme: “Our identity lies in our heritage”

    The Carpathians are characterized by longstanding human-nature interactions. This Carpathian Day, integrate both natural and cultural heritage to celebrate the voices, connections and traditional knowledge of all who live in the Carpathian region.


    Check out registered Carpathian Day events for 2024 throughout the region below. Click on the icons for more information and details about each local event. 


      "The Carpathians near to our home"

      Host: RNP Romsilva-Administratia Parcului National Piatra Craiului R.A.

      Date: 26 September

      Type of Event: Hike, educative indoor activities & thematic activities in classrooms

      Description: Conducting outdoor/indoor activities with pupils from the local communities, and will carry out thematic activities in the field or in classrooms in cooperation with local school units.

      Language: Romanian

      Location: Zarnesti, Romania

      Learn more:

      Contact: Andrea Kurta-Piatra | Craiului National Park Administration

      Piatra Craiului National Park

      "Carpathian Day"

      Hosts: Retezat National Park Administration, Retezat Tourism Association, Rewilding Romania, Hațeg Country UNESCO Global Geopark and Sălașu de Sus Commune

      Date: 26 September

      Type of Event: Workshop

      Description: This year's Carpathian Day will engage 90 students from 3 local schools in a unique celebration.

      Through interactive workshops inspired by nature and local culture, participants will explore the deep connections between the environment and the region's rich heritage. The event will foster environmental awareness, creativity, and a sense of responsibility towards preserving the Carpathians’ natural and cultural landscapes.

      Language: Romanian

      Location: Retezat National Park Nucșoara Visiting Centre

      Contact: Lucia Ursu | Retezat National Park Administration

      Retezat National Park Nucșoara Visiting Centre

      "Carpathian Day"

      Host: Foundation Conservation Carpathia

      Date: 27-29 September

      Type of Event: Hike and Camp

      Description: A weekend camp (September 27 - 29) for 15 children from communities near Fagaras Mountains during which children will discover the values of the mountains through games, stories and hiking.

      Language: Romanian

      Location: Richita Educational Center, Satic village

      Contact: Ioana Duica | Foundation Conservation Carpathia

      Richita Educational Center


      "Deň Karpatských parkov"

      Host: State Nature Conservancy, Administration of Protected landscape area Cerova vrchovina

      Date: 25 September

      Type of Event: Workshop

      Description: The event aims to connect people from the region engaged in environmental education with organizations promoting natural and cultural values and craftsmen who maintain these values. The contacts created will help shape educational and experience programs for children and young people and thereby pass on knowledge about the country's heritage.

      Language: Slovak language, Hungarian as needed

      Location: Hajnáčka, Slovakia

      Learn more:

      Contact:  Lenka Papáčová | SNC, PLA Cerová vrchovina

      Protected Landscape Area Cerova Vrchovina

      "Carpathian Day in the Low Tatras"

      Hosts: Low Tatra National Park Administration

      Date: 19 September

      Type of Event: Workshop

      Description: The Low Tatras National Park Administration is preparing an event called “Carpathian Day” on September 19, 2024 in the picturesque setting of the natural amphitheater in Heľpa. Students from the local elementary school in Heľpa will have the opportunity to visit five thematic stations dedicated to the nature of the Carpathians. The stations will focus on the forest ecosystem, soil and soil organisms, the magical world of fungi, recognizing Carpathian fauna by their signs, and games and quizzes through which students will get to know the national parks of Slovakia – as significant components of the Carpathian natural and cultural heritage.

      Learn More:

      Language: Slovak

      Location: Heľpa, Slovakia

      Contact: Jana Kološtová | Low Tatra National Park Administration

      Low Tatra National Park


      "Synevyr mountainous community - vision and challenges workshop"

      Host: Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region "FORZA"

      Date: 26 September

      Type of Event: Workshop

      Description: This event is for active community citizens of different ages, genders, and social statuses. During the workshop, we will:
      - formulate the vision of what this Carpathian mountainous community should be like in the future
      - Identify the current and future challenges to the development of the community
      - Identify which of these challenges should be addressed first
      The workshop is hold within the framework of Horizon Europe RURACTIVE project.

      Language: Ukrainian

      Location: Synevyr, Ukraine

      Contact:  Lesya Loyko | FORZA


      "Carpathian Day in the Low Tatras"

      Hosts: Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region "FORZA" and Vivcharskiy Hutir sheep farm

      Date: 27 September

      Type of Event: Hike

      Description: Our hike offers its participants a unique opportunity to connect with nature, learn about traditional sheep farming practices, and get a taste of local sheep cheese. Along with enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding peaks and valleys, we will learn about the hard work of the local shepherds and get information about the interesting plants and wildlife of the region. It will be a memorable and enriching experience that provides a deeper appreciation for the Carpathian landscape and the people who call it home.

      Language: Ukrainian

      Location: Synevyrska Polyana, Ukraine

      Contact: Lesya Loyko | FORZA

      Synevyrska Polyana

      "European Integration of Ukraine: common interests and problems of Carpathian farmers"

      Host: ICO Information Center "Green Dossier"

      Date: 26 September

      Type of Event: Online Conference

      Description: We want to show what farmers from different sides of the border are currently doing, what worries them, what their interests and problems are. We want to try to develop a common vision for the further development of sustainable agriculture in the Carpathians, to focus on specific regional needs and problems.

      In the program:
      - Ukrainian farmers through the eyes of colleagues from neighboring countries: living and working conditions, achievements and problems.
      - Common problems: climate change and preservation of the Carpathians; balance between mountain agriculture and environmental protection; nature-oriented solutions in mountain agriculture as part of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU; implementation of agro-ecological programs in the Carpathians; modern development of pastoralism and support of local products.

      Learn More: Register by 24 September at

      Language: Ukrainian and English

      Location: Online

      Contact: Tamara Malkova | ICO IC "Green Dossier"

      Synevyrska Polyana