Forum Carpaticum 2021: Towards the Carpathian ESD Expert Network – Workshop, Session and Keynote

24 June 2021, ONLINE MEETING

The Carpathian Convention Secretariat, together with its partners, is set out to create a Network of Carpathian ESD Experts, in order to support integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into the Convention activities. This initiative is directly based on the recommendations, received from experts, governmental and non-governmental stakeholders, during Forum Carpaticum 2018 and the first Carpathian ESD Seminar, which took place in Hungary, in 2019. It is funded by the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP).*

The first steps towards creating a network will be taken during Forum Carpaticum 2021, where a Keynote will be focused on ESD (by Dr. Kater-Wettstädt university of Leuphana Lüneburg), followed by a plenary discussion on ESD and the role of universities in the Carpathians, and an ESD Session, on June 23rd (9:00 – 12:30). During the ESD Session, Best Practices of Education for Sustainable Development in the Carpathians and other mountainous regions” examples of initiatives from several Carpathian countries will be presented.

On June 24th (14:00 – 15:30), an ESD Workshop “Integrating Education for Sustainable Development into the activities of the Carpathian Convention – towards the Carpathian ESD Expert Network” will take place.

The workshop will bring together stakeholders and experts, who have been engaged in the previous ESD-related activities of the Carpathian Convention, as well as ESD experts who will be engaged in these activities in the future. The objective of the Workshop is to collect inputs and feedback on:

  • Outlining the elements of a vision and a strategy for integrating ESD into the Carpathian Convention, and for how the Convention can help the Carpathian countries implement the UNESCO ESD for 2030 framework
  • Considering how Carpathian Convention activities can be linked with informal and formal education, and how can the S4C / the scientific community contribute to this
  • Topics to be addressed at the second Carpathian ESD Seminar (to take place in Poland in 2022)
  • Accompanying Carpathian ESD activities with transdisciplinary research

The workshop will be an online event. After an introductory presentations, participants will be asked to exchange knowledge and provide inputs on the following topics:

  • How can Carpathian Convention actors contribute to addressing common sustainability challenges of the Carpathian Region via ESD?
  • Which activities by Carpathian Convention actors and stakeholders constitute good examples of Informal Education (for Sustainable Development) – or how can Convention activities be integrated into Informal Education initiatives?
  • How can Convention activities and their results and recommendations, focused on sustainable development of the Carpathian region, be integrated into Formal Education
  • How can Carpathian scientists (S4C initiative) support linking Convention activities with formal and informal education initiatives?

Participation in the workshop is open to all interested actors. To register, please, contact latest by June 16, 2021.

To attend the Forum Carpaticum conference, please register at the Conference website:

*These activities are part of the project Carpathian ESD: Strengthening the ESD network in the Carpathian Convention via science-policy-practice interface is funded by the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighbouring the European Union. It is supervised by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation and by the German Environment Agency.